if i could give it zero i would. initially intriged by the claims they made about getting rid of ALL acne, cause doesn't that sound nice?! they have a 60 day guarantee or money back type of thing too, looking into it more after realizing it's all B.S. i found out that this doesn't count for everything you bought but rather just for one item (i got the Complete Acne System, which has three products). it also requires you to take a picture at the beginning of your "journey" and one at the end. i did not take a starting picture, so that won't work.
when i first started using the products i was seeing some improvement, then things would turn south, breaking me out in places i had almost never broken out before. i was unable to deduct why i was having such a hard time with my skin, it doesn't help that i have the memory and deduction skills of a hamster. blaming it on hormal flucuations was where i went first, thinking that since there was a cycle of some sort that must be what it was.
after i subconsciously stopped using them my skin got better almost instantly. that's when i put two and two together and got four. and since this conclusion came to me one night after indulging in a joint, i did an internet deep dive (reddit). that's where i found information i should have searched for in the very beginning, people talking about their bad experiences, fake reviews on the website, bad advice about sunscreen usage from the company, and the fact that the ingredients for the "miracle balms" are not good for the skin at all but in fact just balms that will inevitably clog pores and give you more acne.
so i got got, which happens semi often... but alas all i can do now is get my skin back on track with my tried and true pimple patches, and what's left of my last curology bottle (the stuff worked for me, i just didn't want to pay anymore).